As with most things in life, the more you know, the better you are able to address your needs. It can be difficult to find the right information you need about civil litigation in Virginia, so the lawyers at Greenspun Shapiro Ginsberg & Yang PC offer these helpful library articles. Here, we discuss topics important to our civil clients, including breach of contract, consumer issues, business disputes, insurance disputes, debt collection, and more. Learn more about what these cases can mean for you and how we can help you fully address your needs to meet your legal goals.
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Covenants Not to Compete - "Non-Compete Clauses" in VirginiaIs that non-compete agreement that your Virginia employer made you sign years ago enforceable? The Virginia Supreme Court will look at these three factors.
You Have Rights as a Consumer Under Many Consumer Protection LawsDo you worry that you were taken advantage of as a consumer? Learn about important consumer protection laws that protect you from fraudulent business practices.
Business Disputes: What Are the Common Types That Your Business Could Become Involved in?If you own a business, you could be involved in a business dispute even if you attempt to avoid one. Learn the common types of business disputes you may face.
What Is a Contract and What Can You Do If an Individual or Business Breaches Your Contract?Did you enter into a contract with another party who is not fulfilling the terms of the contract? Learn what you must prove to show he breached the agreement.
Do You Have Any Rights When Your Insurance Company Refuses to Pay Your Claim?What can you do if your insurance company refuses to pay what you’re owed? Learn the company’s duties to you and when you may have a bad faith insurance claim.