Everyone deserves the same protection under the law. If you have been charged with a crime, the lawyers at Greenspun Shapiro Ginsberg & Yang PC can help you investigate, prepare, and execute a comprehensive defense. From simple misdemeanors to serious felony charges, our legal team will fight to protect your rights and ensure you receive fair treatment. Our blog shares useful information about the legal process, your rights in Virginia, the types of cases we handle, and more.
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When a 911 Call for Psychiatric Help Results in ArrestWe've defended countless clients arrested after a family member simply called 911 for help transporting a loved one to an emergency room for psychiatric care.
Fourth Circuit Reverses Conviction Based on Uncorroborated ConfessionThis decision is a significant reaffirmation of the corpus delicti rule: the Government cannot simply rely on a confession without more to obtain a conviction.
Criminal Discovery Reform DelayedLast September, the Virginia Supreme Court approved new discovery requirements. The new rules were set to go into effect on July 1, 2019 but have been delayed.
Deferred Findings Without Statutory AuthorityMost deferred dispositions apply to misdemeanors, such as misdemeanor property crimes, family assault and battery, and underage alcohol. Read blog for more!
Unlicensed Contractors BewareContractors are often unpaid for their work. This presents a big problem for unlicensed contractors if the value of the work was over $1,000 in Virginia.
New Phone, Who Is This? Why You Should Not Text About Criminal ActivityThe Virginia Lawyers Weekly reported on a man who sent a text to a Fairfax County Police Officer that he had marijuana for sale. Here's two things to learn.
Supreme Court Holds Search Warrant Needed To Obtain Cell Tower Location HistoryThe Supreme Court recently ruled in Carpenter v. United States that authorities must obtain search warrants before obtaining cell tower location history data.
How Investigators Build Cases against Those Who Commit Online Crimes Against MinorsInvestigators use several tactics to track down illegal online activities such as solicitation and child pornography-related offenses.
Police Use Fitness App to Locate and Charge SuspectLoudoun County Sheriff’s Office announced it located and arrested a cyclist accused of striking another cyclist on the head on the WOD trail by using Strava.
The Supreme Court Expresses a Broad View of What Constitutes Manifest Injustice for Purposes of ExpungementLearn how the Virginia Supreme Court’s ruling in A.R.A. v. Commonwealth clarifies 'manifest injustice' in expungement law and its impact on criminal records.