Everyone deserves the same protection under the law. If you have been charged with a crime, the lawyers at Greenspun Shapiro Ginsberg & Yang PC can help you investigate, prepare, and execute a comprehensive defense. From simple misdemeanors to serious felony charges, our legal team will fight to protect your rights and ensure you receive fair treatment. Our blog shares useful information about the legal process, your rights in Virginia, the types of cases we handle, and more.
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The United States Supreme Court to Hear Case Re: Reach of Domestic Warrants on Foreign-Held Information in Digital AgeThe Supreme Court will hear oral argument in the case of Microsoft Corporation, which has refused to hand over information stored on foreign servers to the FBI.
Virginia Will Raise Felony Theft ThresholdUnder the new agreement, legislation will increase the felony level. In exchange, Governor Northam will support efforts to increase collection of restitution.
Social Media Can Be A KillerSocial media can get you in trouble. Here we share a story about a young woman who incriminated herself by what she shared in a Facebook post online.
Sentencings in Virginia: Should Juries Get to Review Virginia’s Sentencing Guidelines’ Recommendations?The goal of Virginia’s Sentencing Guidelines is to impose uniform punishments. As it stands, juries can't see them, but should they be able to?
The Move to Facial Recognition in Phones and The Impact on Criminal InvestigationsCan a police officer confiscate my phone and unlock it using a facial recognition feature? Can I refuse to let law enforcement unlock my phone? Here we explain!
Police Officers in the Heat of the MomentUndercover officers from two different precincts converged on the same drug house in Detroit leading to mass confusion and an all-out brawl. Read the deatails.
What to Do if You Receive a Witness Subpoena in a Criminal CaseIf you've been served with a subpoena to appear to testify at a grand jury, a hearing, or a trial, what should you do? Our criminal defense attorneys explain.
I received a subpoena – what do I do now?Have you recently received a subpoena in Virginia? Greenspun Shapiro attorneys explain the types of subpoenas and what you should do if you receive one.
Time to Reform Rules on Government Destruction of EvidenceYou insist it isn't true, but the officer insists you physically assaulted him resulting in serious charges. What if the officer failed to preserve video proof?
Artificial Intelligence and Criminal LiabilityGreenspun Shapiro Ginsberg & Yang PC in Fairfax discusses the future of technology and criminal law; What happens if a robot commits a crime? Read blog for more!